John 17:21
That they all may be one
Christians have a common mission in the world: in prayer to serve and witness to the good news. The Ecumenical Council of Finland is a cooperation body of various Christian churches and organizations. We build connection and strengthen the voice of the churches in society – towards the visible unity of the Church of Christ.
Read more about us
Christians together
Theme Weeks
Erilaisina yhdessä
A sign of Unity – the Nicene Jubilee in the Nordic-Baltic region
Songs for Unity on UN Day
Participate in updating Charta Oecumenica
Council’s office is closed for July
A Message for the Churches – At Pentecost
CCME is seeking Executive Secretary
The General Secretary visited the Anglicans
Nordic-Baltic Ecumenical Secretaries: Love Your Neighbor – People on the Move
Let us pray togerther
Common prayer
Common work
Popular materials

Give us feedback
This new website was launched in 2023. We welcome feedback and suggestions.